
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hoarding Chipmunks

A couple of baby peppers are down again. It's on the same damn green pepper plant that's been continuously attacked from the start. But the peppers aren't touched, they don't even have any bite marks. Mom thinks it might be chipmunks. What is wrong with these chipmunks that they just bring down the pepper but don't eat it? Aaaand, if little Alvin is ignoring the fox pee and getting under my netting, how am I supposed to stop him?? I sprinkled more Shake Away in the area and added an extra layer of netting to that plant to see what happens. What else can I do?

But I can't think about this too much right now. I just watched an episode of Hoarding: Buried Alive on the TLC channel which of course makes me want to clean my entire apartment. Tonight. A Sunday at 9:30 pm. I might starting hoarding chipmunks to stop them from getting to my plants. Think that'll work??

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